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It's Time to Stop Making Your Manager the Default Training Person

Let's get straight to the point, managers and supervisors are stretched thin. Leading a team comes with many responsibilities and challenges, and it is easy to add training to their lists of tasks. However, this is not the best approach for effective employee learning. Here's why:

Managers should not dedicate large chunks of time to employee training

Generally, employee onboarding can take anywhere from 2 to 12 weeks. The most time-intensive days are at the beginning of onboarding. I a manager dedicates full (or even half) days to onboarding new hires into your company, that means they are not dedicating their time to other key managerial tasks. It also puts the manager at serious risk for burnout.

Most managers are not trained in formal Learning and Development theories and practices

Approaching employee training in this manner, without an understanding of adult learning principles, puts your learning program at risk for failure. The program structure and delivery must be centered on proven techniques that ensure optimal outcomes. Leverage the insight of training professionals to guide your program.

Managers deserve better than to be defaulted into this role

Valuing your employees also includes valuing your managers (They're employees too). Dictating additional responsibilities without an awareness of their willingness to take on employees should be avoided. If your managers WANT to lead employee training in your organization, then support them. Be sure to provide them with resources and professional development to ensure that they excel in the role. However, if your managers are less than keen to help out with training, delegate the training to someone else. That may mean outsourcing your training needs.

What are your thoughts on managers leading employee training? Leave your thoughts in the comments.

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